Umbidnar umsetingar Umbidnar umsetingar Leita Uppruna mál Franskt, Enskt, Svenskt, Italskt Ynskt mál Finskt af Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:04:35 +0000 Translation 150 150 Cucumis is ʼn webwerf waarop u tekse kan voorlê, om deur die gemeenskap vertaal te word Not dead ? ! ? - Engels - Fins A backend update for cucumis ! Yep I had a couple of hours today to work on a few updates mainly for security matters. First of all, all site is now in https for security (was done few weeks ago). Also, passwords used to be stored in clear in database. This is fixed now, passwords are hashe ... Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:32 +0000 I work with sound and music, but also with... - Engels - Fins I work with sound and music, but also with site-specific sound installations, with wearables, with listening experiences. I like to experiment with found materials and spaces, inventing new artifacts devoted to particular listening modes, new tools to understand and listen to the environments in whi ... Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:30:49 +0000 I trust you to kill me - Engels - Fins I trust you to kill me Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:00:36 +0000